Welcome to The Sewak Nepal Campaign
We, who are capable of working hard and living independently, established the "Orphan Children Protection Fund" on June 20, 2013 (Ashar 6, 2070) from South Korea with the goal of rescuing and sustainably protecting orphaned children who are unable to do anything and rely on others. We started by contributing small portions of our earnings selflessly. Later, in the process of further development and expansion, we brought this initiative to the United States, Israel, Canada, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia, eventually reaching Nepal. On Shrawan 26, 2072 (2015), we formally registered under the Nepal Government's Institution Registration Act 2034, naming it "Sevak Nepal." Under this name, we expanded our campaign, uniting patriotic youth from across the country and shaping it into a national campaign. Through the voluntary contributions of every campaigner, we aim to carry out significant rescue work for orphaned children. If you also have a desire to contribute to the country and society, please join us. Let’s collaborate and move forward together.
"Service is the true religion."
How would you like to contribute to Sewak Nepal?
Our Programs
Inauguration of the Orphanage Operated by Sevak Nepal
मंगलबार, ६, गते २०७७ मण्दन्देउपुर ९ काभ्रे, बालगृह काभ्रे जिल्ला…
ताजा समाचार

Sewak Nepal is planning to establish a large children’s home in Kuntabesi, Kavre.
‘सेवक नेपाल’ले यही मिति : २०७६ साल बैशाख २८ गते काभ्रे जिल्लाको मण्डनदेउपुर नगरपालिका-९ धाइटारमा…

The education and relief expenses for dependent orphaned children were sent as follows.
हामीमा आश्रित दस जना असहाय बालबालिकाहरुको लागि यो पटकको पठन पाठन सम्बन्धी राहत यसरी पठाईयो . . .

73-year-old Khil Bahadur Khadka, the senior activist of Sevak Nepal.
सेवक नेपालले काभ्रे जिल्लाको मण्डन देउपुर नगरपालिका-९ मा ७ रोपनी जग्गा खरी बृहत बालाश्रम निर्माण गर्न जुटी रहेको सन्दर्भमा ७३
एक स्वयम्सेवक बन्नुहोस्
सेवा नै धर्म हो
Why should one become a member of Sewak Nepal?
- Becoming a guardian for orphaned children in Nepal, participating in the national pride campaign, and contributing to the nation directly or indirectly are all acts that instill a deep sense of social and moral responsibility. Such actions also provide an opportunity to build connections with other Nepalese who possess philanthropic values. While receiving recognition for your contributions is natural, it is important to do so by maintaining equality and dignity within the institution. This ensures that your work is valued appropriately and brings personal satisfaction. Ultimately, by instilling social awareness in your children and guiding them to be responsible and loyal to their nation, you can create a long-lasting positive impact.