Donation Evaluation Individuals who contribute financially, morally, materially, or in any other small or large way according to their capacity are considered as supporters. The contribution of each supporter will be highly respected, and their names will be listed on the organization’s website and office. While giving due respect to all supporters, the organization will […]

Special Donor
Special Donors Individuals who contribute financially or in any other way with an amount greater than NPR 50,000 will hold the role of special donors in this organization. Additionally, those who have contributed more than NPR 50,000 and later left the campaign as activists will also be recognized as special donors of the organization. Evaluation […]

Activist An individual who joins the organization as an activist and continuously contributes financially, morally, or in any other way on a monthly basis will be considered an activist of this organization. Evaluation of Activists Since activists are the backbone of the organization, they will have the exclusive right to work in the executive roles […]

Sewak Nepal is planning to establish a large children’s home in Kuntabesi, Kavre.
‘सेवक नेपाल’ले यही मिति : २०७६ साल बैशाख २८ गते काभ्रे जिल्लाको मण्डनदेउपुर नगरपालिका-९ धाइटारमा…

The education and relief expenses for dependent orphaned children were sent as follows.
हामीमा आश्रित दस जना असहाय बालबालिकाहरुको लागि यो पटकको पठन पाठन सम्बन्धी राहत यसरी पठाईयो . . .

73-year-old Khil Bahadur Khadka, the senior activist of Sevak Nepal.
सेवक नेपालले काभ्रे जिल्लाको मण्डन देउपुर नगरपालिका-९ मा ७ रोपनी जग्गा खरी बृहत बालाश्रम निर्माण गर्न जुटी रहेको सन्दर्भमा ७३

Inauguration of the Orphanage Operated by Sevak Nepal
मंगलबार, ६, गते २०७७ मण्दन्देउपुर ९ काभ्रे, बालगृह काभ्रे जिल्ला…

By joining the organization
तपाई यस “सेवक नेपाल”को अभियन्ता तथा आजीवनन सदस्यताको रुपमा आबद्ध भई सहयोग गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ ।

By providing suggestions and advice” or “Through giving suggestions and consultations.”
यस सामाजिक संस्था “सेवक नेपाल”को अभियान विस्तार सम्बन्धि विविध विषयहरूमा सल्लाह सुझाव….

Orphanage Home Mandandeupur-9, Kavre
‘सेवक नेपाल’ले यही मिति : २०७६ साल बैशाख २८ गते काभ्रे जिल्लाको मण्डनदेउपुर नगरपालिका-९ धाइटारमा…